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OMRI welcomes media inquiries. Feel free to contact our materials and organic policy experts by calling the office and describing the nature of your inquiry. Our staff will connect you with the best person for your inquiry. Media visitors are also encouraged to download this overview of OMRI with frequently asked questions.

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The OMRI communications team maintains a press list for occasional press releases about the activities of the organization and regulations on materials for organic use. Please email marketing@omri.org to add your email to our press list.

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Below you will find our most recent press releases.

(December 4, 2014) As part of the process for revising and reprinting the Generic Materials List© and OMRI Standards Manual© for products reviewed in accordance with the USDA organic regulations, OMRI is considering several changes. Your input is essential to the process.

(October 22, 2014) OMRI (the Organic Materials Review Institute) is pleased to announce that Executive Director/CEO Peggy Miars has been elected as the only North American representative to serve a three-year term on the World Board of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).

(May 16, 2014)  The National Organic Program (NOP) recently released for public comment a draft Post-Harvest Handling guidance document that outlines the requirements for materials used in post-harvest handling.

(April 2, 2014) On March 12, 2014, the National Organic Program (NOP) released Policy Memo 14-1 regarding the use of phosphoric acid in aquatic plant extracts. Specifically, the NOP will no longer allow phosphoric acid as a pH adjuster in alkali-extracted aquatic plants.

(March 13, 2014) OMRI (the Organic Materials Review Institute) and the International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) are pleased to announce a new series of joint webinars focused on the use of materials under the Canada Organic Regime (COR) standards.

(February 26, 2014) OMRI is pleased to announce that nearly 1,000 companies have chosen to add over 3,000 compliant products to the OMRI Products List©, making it the largest and most frequently used input resource for organic certifiers, growers, livestock producers, processors and handlers.The milestone comes at a time when OMRI has just expanded its services to include input review

(February 19, 2014) OMRI is dedicated to offering the best possible service for the organic industry. In response to feedback from suppliers, we are pleased to announce that OMRI will now offer a reformulation option for products that are determined to be prohibited under the organic standards.

(January 31, 2014) OMRI is proud to officially launch input review for the entire Canadian organic community. The nonprofit organization is now accepting applications from all companies, including new suppliers, for review of input products to determine compliance with the Canada Organic Regime (COR) standards.

(October 29, 2013) OMRI (The Organic Materials Review Institute) is pleased to announce that the OMRI Products List©, the oldest and largest list of input products for use in USDA organic production, now has a counterpart for organic production under Canada Organic Regime (COR) standards.

(October 24, 2013)  As OMRI continues to grow our service to the organic community, including the new OMRI Canada Review Program, we have been fortunate to retain an incredibly knowledgeable and talented staff. During the summer, OMRI made several changes to staffing structure and individual responsibilities.