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The OMRI communications team maintains a press list for occasional press releases about the activities of the organization and regulations on materials for organic use. Please email marketing@omri.org to add your email to our press list.

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Below you will find our most recent press releases.

(March 29, 2010) In 2009 OMRI experienced a backlog of new applications that increased review time by several months. OMRI staff worked dligently to handle the backlog by implementing process improvements and hiring additional staff.

(April 8, 2010)  Please note that the comment period is now closed.  The draft manuals are no longer posted on this website.  You are always welcome to submit general comments regarding OMRI Policices and Standards using the OMRI Comment Form.

(March 18, 2010)

(February 5, 2010)California growers should know that the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) prohibited three composts for use in organic production: Nortech Gold made by Nortech Waste LLC, Grover Wonder Grow Compost made by Grover Landscape Services, and Clean City Compost made by Feather River Organics.

EUGENE, OR (Jan.27,2010)  To continue providing quality service and expert product reviews, OMRI is implementing a modest fee increase of 3% effective February 1st, 2010.  Individual and Business Subscription fees will not be affected by the increase.  Click here to view the new Table of Fees.

EUGENE, ORE.  As of January 19, 2010, Paul Lipscomb will assume the duties with the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) as interim executive director.

EUGENE, ORE. (December 15th, 2009) - The National Organic Program (NOP) has revised the policy for approving liquid fertilizers with a nitrogen analysis greater than 3% for use in organic production.

EUGENE, ORE. (February 20, 2009) - The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) removed two products from the OMRI Products List on Tuesday, February 17th, meaning that they cannot continue to be used in organic agriculture. An OMRI investigation determined that both Marizyme™, made by Port Organic Products, Ltd., and Agrolizer™, distributed by Agromar, Inc. contain ingredients that are prohibited in fertilizers for organic applications.

EUGENE, ORE. (March 4, 2008) - The OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Review Program has achieved USDA accreditation under International Organization for Standardization Guide 65:1996 (ISO-65). Best known for its work as an independent nonprofit certifying the compliance of fertilizers, pesticides, and other inputs to organic agriculture, OMRI received final notice of ISO-65 accreditation for its product certifications at the end of January 2008.

EUGENE, ORE. (January 22, 2008) – The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) has slashed prices for seed suppliers to list organic varieties in the Organic Seed Database. Best known for its work as an independent nonprofit to ensure the compliance of fertilizers and pesticides for organic agriculture, OMRI established the database in October 2006. The site uses an online search tool to assist organic farmers and certifiers seeking organic seeds and planting stocks.