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See below for Frequently Asked Questions about the OMRI application process, product review, and organic standards.   Choose a tab below to view relevant FAQs in each subject area.

About OMRI

  • How does OMRI distinguish products listed in accordance with U.S. standards from products listed for Canadian organic production?

    Products bearing the OMRI Listed® seal have been reviewed and determined to be allowed for organic use in accordance with one or more specific organic standards: the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) regulations or the Canada Organic Regime (COR) standards. Users are encouraged to consult a product's OMRI certificate, the OMRI web search product listing and/or the appropriate OMRI Products List for more information about compliant uses. 

    OMRI is a voluntary review program, so companies may choose to have their product reviewed to multiple standards or a single standard. The suitability of any input for organic use is at the discretion of the certifier. End users should check with their certifier before using any new input materials on their certified organic operation. 

  • What is the difference between the OMRI Products List(s) and the OMRI Generic Materials List?

    The OMRI Products List© and OMRI Canada Products List© consist of individual brand name products that have been reviewed by OMRI and confirmed to be compliant with the National Organic Program or Canada Organic Regime standards, respectively. 

    OMRI has specific standards manuals that describe general review criteria for each standard. For example, the OMRI Generic Materials List© (GML) describes whether different generic substances, such as mined minerals and synthetic micronutrients, comply with the USDA's National Organic Program regulations. Brand name products on the OMRI Products List(s) are listed with a specific Use Class and Category corresponding to the Generic Materials List (or Permitted Substances Categories for Canada).

  • What is OMRI's shipping address for sending materials by private courier services like UPS?

    Electronic submissions are preferred, but if you need to use a private courier service, such as FedEx or UPS, send your application materials to:

    Organic Materials Review Institute
    2649 Willamette Street
    Eugene, OR 97405-3134 USA

Application Questions

  • Does my product qualify as a Repackaged Product?

    If you would like to sell an OMRI Listed® product under a different product or company name and you are not modifying the original OMRI Listed product in any way (including adding water), your product may qualify as a Repackaged Product. To be considered a Repackaged Product, you must hold the original OMRI listing or purchase the product directly from the OMRI Listed company or an authorized distributor. Your Repackaged Product would also need to be listed in the same Use Class and standard (NOP or COR) as the original product.

  • Does OMRI have an expedited application process?

    No, applications are processed in the order in which they are received. The best way to have your product reviewed quickly is to submit a complete application and respond promptly to any requests for additional information. This includes submitting all supporting documentation for the final product and each ingredient as specified in the application.

  • How long does it take for Change Reports to be reviewed? 

    The length of time it takes for OMRI to review a Change Report varies based on the complexity of the change. Generally, administrative changes (e.g., label updates) take less time to review than technical changes, such as changes to a product’s formulation or manufacturing process. 

    Most Change Reports are processed in the order in which they are received. Due to a large number of reviews, it is currently taking longer than usual for reviews to begin. In order to help applicants understand what to expect, OMRI updates the table below weekly with information about expected wait times.

    Currently processing Change Reports receivedFebruary 11, 2025

    Table last updated March 3, 2025  

    Once the review begins, you will be contacted if any additional information is needed. The best way to expedite the review is to submit a complete Change Report with all supporting documentation, and to respond quickly and completely to any requests for more information from OMRI staff. 

    Per §2.9 of the OMRI Policy Manual, OMRI Listed suppliers are responsible for notifying OMRI at least 60 days prior to the release of any product affected by a change.  

  • I have already ordered the Application Kit. How can I access applications or extra copies of forms?

    You must log in to OMRI.org to access advanced features, including applications. You can complete and submit a new application using OMRI's online application system. Additional forms can be downloaded using the Individual Forms and Checklist link located in the blue Applicant Menu when you log into the website. The OMRI Policy Manual© and OMRI Standards Manuals are available using the Manuals and Review Standards link, also located in the Applicant Menu. If you are having trouble accessing these application materials, please contact OMRI.

  • Is there a list of consultants who can help with the application to OMRI?

    While OMRI does not endorse or recommend any particular consultant, we maintain a list of consultants that have interest in helping with OMRI applications. Many have helped or have been involved in submitting applications to OMRI in the past. You may find the list of consultants here.

  • One of my ingredient suppliers is not willing to provide me with information about their formula or manufacturing process. How can I move forward?

    OMRI has a system for handling confidential information from third parties. A Third Party Agreement allows an ingredient supplier to send proprietary information directly to OMRI. Only the third party and OMRI will be able to view this information, and OMRI will protect this information as it does any confidential information. The required forms can be downloaded on the Individual Forms and Checklist link located in the Applicant Menu when you log in to the website. OMRI must receive a Third Party Confidentiality fee and the completed agreement before the third party information is submitted. See the Review Cost page for more information about Third Party Confidentiality fees.  

  • What is the cost of having a product reviewed to additional standards (NOP or COR)?

    Products that are currently OMRI Listed® to one standard can be reviewed to additional standards (U.S. National Organic Program or Canada Organic Regime). See the Review Cost page for the most current information about fees associated with review to additional standards.

  • What products are required to undergo an inspection?

    OMRI performs inspections for one of three reasons: 1) High Nitrogen Liquid Fertilizer (HNLF) products must undergo two inspections annually; 2) For-cause inspections are conducted when an inspection is needed to verify certain information; and 3) Random surveillance inspections are conducted annually for 1% of all OMRI Listed® products.

    Products intended for use under the U.S. NOP organic standards that fall under the High Nitrogen Liquid Fertilizer category (defined as a liquid fertilizer with a nitrogen analysis or label claim of greater than 3% nitrogen) undergo one announced and one unannounced inspection annually per USDA policy. One announced inspection is conducted prior to the product being listed on the OMRI Products List© and one unannounced inspection is conducted sometime in the first year after the product is added to the OMRI Products List. These two inspections will occur every year as long as the product is being sold to organic producers. For more information about the additional cost associated with these inspections see the Review Cost page. More information about inspections can be found in the OMRI Policy Manual© or you are welcome to contact us at (541)343-7600.

    Additionally, for-cause inspections and/or stream of commerce sampling may be conducted when there is cause to do so. More information about these types of inspections is available in the OMRI Policy Manual §2.4. Fees may apply.

    Finally, random surveillance is performed on 1% of all OMRI Listed products annually. Random surveillance consists of either stream of commerce sampling (buying the product and sending a sample into a lab for analysis), or an inspection at the manufacturing site. Random surveillance is required as part of OMRI’s ISO accredited procedures, and there is no additional cost for these tests or inspections.

  • Are there any products that OMRI will not review?

    OMRI reviews input products for use in organic crop, livestock and processing production. However, some input products may be considered out of OMRI's scope for various reasons. Here is a list of product types that are considered to be out of scope for OMRI to review:

    • Devices, technologies or services. 
    • Products that are not relevant to the organic standards, for instance bug spray for humans, or beauty care products. A product such as cat litter would be considered out of scope unless the label had a specific agricultural use that complies with the organic regulations. Products intended for use in aquaculture are out of scope for reviews to the NOP or COR standards.
    • Products that are more appropriate for an organic certifier to review, including: 
      • Products in the NOP Processing and Handling Scope that are certified organic by a USDA accredited certification agent, or that would be required to be certified organic in order to be used in organic processing (e.g., fruit coatings that contain agricultural materials not on the National List or food-contact soap produced from certified organic oils). 
      • Sanitizers, disinfectants and other cleaners that do not appear on the National List that are intended for facility use (e.g. surfaces, equipment, etc.). These cleaners may be permitted for certain uses by organic certifiers, provided that measures are taken to prevent contact with organics crops, livestock or other products. 
      • Facility pest controls that do not appear on the National List. These materials may be permitted under specific circumstances by organic certifiers, provided that measures are taken to prevent contact with organic products.

    OMRI’s Review Program routinely encounters difficult technical issues for which industry experts are consulted for guidance and interpretation of the organic standards. When a product review has an issue that is outside of OMRI's or other current written standards, OMRI’s policy is to place the product under “Unresolved” status for a maximum of 275 days while OMRI gathers evidence to help guide the review. If OMRI is unable to resolve the issue within the given timeframe, the application is forfeited and OMRI will refund the application fees. In certain cases where interpretation is needed from another regulatory body before making a decision, OMRI designates an unresolved issue as “Beyond Resolution,” and will no longer accept applications that pertain to that particular issue until the issue becomes resolved by the applicable regulatory body.

    The following are current issues that OMRI considers to be Beyond Resolution, based on NOP standards:

    ISSUE #1: Passive pheromone dispensers
    Use Class: Crop Pest, Weed, and Disease Control (CP)
    Passive pheromone dispensers are eligible to use List 3 inert ingredients under 7 CFR 205.601(m). The definition is generally considered to include twist ties, ropes, coils and other retrievable dispensers where the active pheromone is not in contact with the crop. It is unclear if formulations that are applied to the crop and are not possible to retrieve may be considered passive pheromone dispensers.

    ISSUE #2: Nonylphenol ethoxylates (CAS# 9016-45-9, 26027-38-3)
    Use Class: Crop Pest, Weed, and Disease Control (CP), Crop Management Tools and Production Aids (CT), Livestock External Parasiticides and Pesticides (LP), Processing Pest Control (PP) and Processing Sanitizers and Cleaners (PS)
    Polyoxyethylene nonylphenol (CAS# 9016-45-9) and p-nonylphenol, ethoxylated (CAS# 26027-38-3) are types of nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) identified as List 4 inert ingredients in the 2004 EPA List of Inerts which are permitted at 7 CFR 205.601(m). However, OMRI understands that linear NPEs identified with CAS# 9016-45-9 and 26027-38-3 are incorrectly identified, and that commercially available forms should be identified by a List 3 CAS number that denotes a branched structure. OMRI will no longer list products reporting the use of CAS# 9016-45-9 or 26027-38-3, pending clarification from the National Organic Program.

    ISSUE #3: Whey from cows treated with rBGH
    Use Class: Livestock Healthcare (LH)
    The OMRI Generic Materials List© includes a category for Colostrum/Whey Antibodies which explicitly prohibits whey from cows treated with recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). However, it is unclear whether this prohibition is consistent with the Excluded Methods (GMO) Decision Trees in the OMRI Standards Manual©. This issue is pending further review of OMRI’s policies for reviewing Colostrum/Whey Antibodies used in livestock production. 

    ISSUE #4: Novel ammonia production
    Use Class: Crop Fertilizers and Soil Amendments (CF)
    A specific, confidential manufacturing process is considered Beyond Resolution because OMRI was unable to determine the synthetic/nonsynthetic status of the resulting product. The novel production method uses anaerobic digestion technology followed by additional processing steps to isolate a form of soluble ammonia. OMRI will continue to review and evaluate ammonia products according to NOP Guidance 5033-1. Synthetic forms of ammonia are prohibited while nonsynthetic forms are permitted. Nonsynthetic fertilizers that test above 3 percent ammoniacal nitrogen are considered at higher risk for violating the soil fertility and crop nutrient management practice standards at 205.203 and are listed with a restriction to communicate those risks.

    ISSUE #5: Use of tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) or synthetic potassium carbonate as extractants for humic acid products.
    Use Class: Crop Fertilizers and Soil Amendments (CF), Crop Management Tools and Production Aids (CT) 
    Humic acids are included at §205.601(j)(3) of the National List with the annotation “naturally occurring deposits, water and alkali extracts only.” Section 205.601(j)(3) does not provide details on which alkali extracts are compliant, but NOP Policy Memo 13-2 identifies several allowed extractants, including potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, and nonsynthetic materials. In accordance with NOP Policy Memo 13-2, OMRI has developed standards to ensure that the amount of synthetic alkali extractant used does not constitute fortification of the humic acid material with a synthetic plant nutrient source. Currently, these standards are used when either potassium hydroxide or ammonium hydroxide are used as extractants. However, OMRI staff, with assistance from our Advisory Council, have been so far unable to develop criteria to differentiate between fortification and extraction uses of tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) or synthetic potassium carbonate. Pending further standards development regarding how to evaluate fortification when these materials are used, OMRI will not review humic acid products extracted with TKPP or synthetic potassium carbonate.

    ISSUE #6: Chlorine materials used as direct livestock drinking water treatments
    Use Class: Livestock Management Tools and Production Aids (LT)
    It is unclear whether chlorine materials are allowed for direct livestock drinking water treatment in organic production. Chlorine materials appear at §205.603(a)(10) with the annotation “disinfecting and sanitizing facilities and equipment. Residual chlorine levels in the water shall not exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under the Safe Drinking Water Act.” However, NOP Guidance 5026 further explains that “Residual chlorine levels in the water in direct food or animal contact (for example, drinking water) should not exceed the maximum residual disinfection level.” 

    Due to disagreement in the organic sector about how to interpret the regulation, OMRI has submitted a petition to the NOP requesting an annotation revision that clarifies whether chlorine materials are allowed for direct treatment of livestock drinking water. Pending a response, OMRI will not review chlorine materials for use as a livestock drinking water treatment. Chlorine materials that have facility or equipment uses continue to be listed with a corresponding restriction according to the current National List annotation. 

  • Do I need to know the manufacturing process for all of my ingredients?

    Generally, if an ingredient is nonsynthetic, you will need to submit a manufacturing process that verifies the nonsynthetic nature of the ingredient. You do not need to submit the manufacturing process for any permitted synthetic ingredients or any currently OMRI Listed® products, in most cases. If you are required to submit a manufacturing process and cannot get this information from the manufacturer, OMRI and the manufacturing company may enter into a Third Party Agreement where the manufacturer may share that information directly with OMRI to preserve confidentiality.

  • Is it possible for a product to maintain OMRI listings under multiple organic standards at the same time (NOP or COR)?

    It is possible for an input to comply with multiple organic standards at once and maintain OMRI Listed status under those standards. It is worth mentioning that applications for review to the U.S. National Organic Program (NOP) or Canada Organic Regime (COR) standards continue to be accepted in English only.

  • What is an OMRI Class or Category?

    Classes are part of the OMRI classification system that groups products with similar end use attributes. This helps to determine which standards are applied when reviewing the product for organic use and assists users in finding appropriate products. The questions in each application are specific to the intended use of the product.

    The OMRI Product Use Classes are:
    Crop Fertilizers and Soil Amendments (CF)
    Crop Pest, Weed, and Disease Control (CP)
    Crop Management Tools and Production Aids (CT)
    Livestock Feed Ingredients (LF)
    Livestock Health Care (LH)
    Livestock External Parasiticides and Pesticides (LP)
    Livestock Management Tools and Production Aids (LT)
    Processing Ingredients and Aids (PI) 
    Processing Pest Control (PP)
    Processing Sanitizers and Cleaners (PS)
    Processing Containers and Packaging Materials (PC)

    An OMRI Category is a general type of materials used in organic crop production, food processing, or livestock production.  Examples include “potting soil,” “fish meal” and “salt.”  Products are listed in the OMRI Products List(s) according to their OMRI Category. When applying for a product to be listed by OMRI, choose the material listing that best fits your product. Categories help users find a specific type of product.

    For more information on the OMRI Use Classes and a listing of Categories, see the OMRI Standards Manual(s), which can also be searched via our website.

  • What is required to request an additional use class for my product listing?

    OMRI Use Classes describe the final uses for products under the organic standards, such as “Crop Fertilizers and Soil Amendments” (CF) or “Processing Pest Controls” (PP). Some products may be used in multiple ways by an organic producer. For example, a crop fertilizer is sometimes also used as a livestock feed ingredient. In those cases, the company may wish to list the same product under multiple Use Classes or Categories on the OMRI Products List©. When a company wishes to have a product listed under an additional Use Class, the following information and all fees need to be submitted to OMRI:

    •  For products that are already OMRI Listed® or in the process of being reviewed:
      • Use our online application system to apply for review under the additional standards. You can indicate in the application that the product is already OMRI Listed and the formulation is identical. 
    • For new applications:
      • Use our online application system to apply to have your product OMRI Listed. You will be able to choose as many Use Classes as you like, and will be asked questions specific to each Use Class. 

    If you have any questions, please contact OMRI's application support team at 541-343-7600 x105 or apply@omri.org.

  • What is the difference between a single ingredient product and a multi-ingredient product?

    Single ingredient products contain only one ingredient or feedstock. For example, if limestone was simply mined from the earth it would be considered single ingredient (impurities in the mined mineral would not count as a second ingredient). Water (or moisture) does not count as an ingredient while calculating the fee, but its percentage in the final product should be reported in your application. Products that consist of a single multi-ingredient product that is already OMRI Listed® are also considered to be a single ingredient. This is different from a repack as it may contain water and/or be listed in a different Use Class.

    A multi-ingredient product contains two or more ingredients or feedstocks (including ingredients that are OMRI Listed). These include products that consist of previously formulated multi-ingredient products that are not already OMRI Listed. For example, a blended fertilizer with blood and bone meals that are not already OMRI Listed would be a multi-ingredient product because the product contains two separate substances. 

    OMRI charges a product fee based on whether a product is single ingredient or multi-ingredient. For a full explanation of fees, please see the Review Cost page.

  • Will OMRI securely guard the confidentiality of my formula and ingredient sources?

    Yes, OMRI takes matters of confidentiality very seriously. OMRI policies on confidential information are outlined in §1.6 of the OMRI Policy Manual©. 

During Review

  • What is the OMRI process for reviewing applications?

    OMRI processes applications in the order in which they are received. Upon receipt, a Review Program Specialist will pre-review the application to ensure that it is complete. If it is not complete or clarification is needed, then the applicant will be contacted via email. Once the pre-review stage is complete, an OMRI Product Review Coordinator reviews the product for compliance with the specified organic standard. The reviewer may ask for additional information relevant to the review of the product.

    Once the application is complete, the reviewer prepares a summary and a recommendation for the application. The OMRI Review Panel then studies the summary and recommendation, and either votes on a product's status or requests more information. OMRI seeks to notify the applicant within one week after the Review Panel completes their decision-making process.

    If the panel approves the application, OMRI issues a certificate and an approval letter. Products that are compliant are given an "Allowed" or "Allowed with Restrictions" status and are added to the OMRI Products List(s). The product is also included on our website list search.

  • How long does the review take?

    The length of time for a product to complete the review process varies according to the type of product and the completeness of the application. OMRI's median review time is currently three months. 

    Generally, OMRI reviews all new product applications in the order in which they are received. It is currently taking longer than usual for reviews to begin the initial administrative part of the review (known as the pre-review). Once the pre-review is complete, a product then moves to a queue awaiting compliance review. At this point, products that require more generalized knowledge (such as NOP Crops products) may be picked up fairly quickly, but reviews that require specialized knowledge (COR, Livestock and Processing products) may wait longer for a qualified staff person.

    In order to help applicants understand what to expect, OMRI updates the table below monthly with information about expected wait times.

    Current expected time waiting for pre-reviewFor all review types9 business days 
    Current expected time waiting for compliance reviewNOP Crops reviews9 business days
    All other review types*9 business days

    Table last updated 3 March 2025

    *Certain reviews (Livestock and Processing reviews, or reviews to the Canadian organic standards) require specialized knowledge, and may wait longer for staff to begin the review

    During each step of the review process, the Review Program Specialist or Product Review Coordinator assigned to your file will contact you if any additional information is needed in order to continue the review. OMRI's Review Process FAQ has more information about the steps of the review. 

    OMRI strives to review applications in the order in which they are received. We cannot guarantee the length of time it will take to review an application, but we will make every effort to advance the review as quickly as possible. The single most important factor in determining how long the review will take is whether the application is submitted with all of the required information. 

Post Review

  • How do I maintain my product listing?

    Annual Renewal (annually) Companies with OMRI Listed® products need to complete renewal documentation and submit renewal fees annually to remain on the OMRI Products List(s). The annual renewal process ensures that OMRI Listed products continue to meet OMRI's standards. This process is simple and does not require the submission of a full product application.

    Ongoing Compliance Review (every 3-5 years) All OMRI Listed products will undergo a full Ongoing Compliance Review every 3-5 years to ensure that the product continues to conform to OMRI's standards. The Ongoing Compliance (OC) Review is required for OMRI’s ISO 17065 accreditation. OC applications must be returned by the deadline in order to keep the product listed.  

    Notification of Company and Product Changes (ongoing) Companies with OMRI Listed products are responsible for notifying OMRI in writing at least 60 days prior to the implementation of any changes to their OMRI Listed products as specified in §2.9 of the OMRI Policy Manual©. The downloadable Change Report form is available when you log in to the OMRI website and navigate to the Individual Forms and Checklist page in the Applicant Menu.

  • What do I need to submit to OMRI if I want to change my product?

    Companies with OMRI Listed® products are responsible for notifying OMRI at least 60 days prior to the implementation of any product change. The Change Report form, which is used to report any modifications to an OMRI Listed product, must be submitted along with any specified supporting documentation. This form can be found when you log into the website and navigate to the Individual Forms and Checklists page in the Applicant Menu. 

    Administrative changes, such as changes to the product name or product label usually do not incur a fee. Technical changes, such as updating the manufacturing process or adding an ingredient, typically do incur a fee. For an up-to-date list of all fee amounts, see the Review Cost page on our website.

  • What is OMRI's process for completing the Annual Renewal?

    OMRI sends Annual Renewal notifications to companies with OMRI Listed® products. To renew, companies use OMRI's online interface to submit the applicable fees and requested information. If all of the requirements are not received by the final deadline (5 business days prior to the product listing expiration date) the company's products are removed from the OMRI Products List(s).

    Product listing renewal dates occur quarterly and are based on the date a product is added to the OMRI Products List(s). Your renewal materials will indicate the due date by which all of the renewal documents and fees should be received by OMRI. Note that the early renewal due date is needed to allow time for processing the large number of renewals OMRI receives prior to the listing expiration date. 

    Companies with more than one OMRI Listed product will have renewal fees for any newly listed products prorated so that all of their renewals are due at the same time.

    Once the renewal is complete, the updated certificates for the company's OMRI Listed products will be published on our website.

    Please contact our Renewals Team at renewals@omri.org for more information about renewing your product listing.

About OMRI Canada

  • Are materials from genetic engineering (GE) allowed for use in Canadian organic production?

    According to CAN/CGSB 32.310, subclause 1.4, materials that result from genetic engineering are not compatible with organic production. With the exception of vaccines, which may be grown on genetically modified substrate, materials from genetic engineering are not permitted in products that are being reviewed to COR standards. All applicants to OMRI must declare in their application materials whether their final product or any ingredients are the product of genetic engineering. For specific high risk crops, such as corn, a review team member may request a declaration of genetic engineering status from the manufacturer.

  • Does CFIA recognize OMRI's decisions about materials?

    Certifying Bodies (CBs) may consult with OMRI as an ISO 17065 accredited input evaluation program, in accordance with C.2.2.5 of the Canada Organic Regime (COR) Operating Manual. OMRI offers contractual agreements with CBs to formally arrange for CBs to accept OMRI decisions on approved products, and most CBs accept an OMRI certificate for products reviewed to the COR standards. However, organic producers should check with their CB before using a new product in their certified organic operation.

  • How does OMRI review products for Canada?

    General information about OMRI's review process can be found at the FAQ question: What is the OMRI process for reviewing applications?

    OMRI has established a Canada Review Panel comprised of experts in the Canadian organic community to make final decisions regarding products for use in Canada. OMRI also maintains an Internal Review Panel of qualified staff members that make final status decisions under specific circumstances. The OMRI Canada Standards Manual© provides information on the standards and compliance requirements for Canada. This document is available for download after your company purchases an application kit. Hardcopies of some manuals are also available upon request.

  • Is OMRI accredited under ISO 17065 to review input products to COR standards?

    Yes, OMRI is ISO 17065 accredited by the USDA Quality Assessment Division (QAD) for input product review and listing under National Organic Program and Canada Organic Regime standards. See OMRI's ISO 17065 certificate.  

  • What is the cost of applying for OMRI Canada Review?

    If your product is not currently OMRI Listed, you will need to pay for a full product review, as detailed on the Review Cost page.  New companies submitting their first application to OMRI will also need to submit a company fee with their application materials.

  • What is the difference between the OMRI Canada Products List© and the OMRI Permitted Substances Categories within the OMRI Canada Standards Manual©?

    The OMRI Canada Products List© consists of individual brand name products that have been reviewed by OMRI and confirmed to be compliant with the Canada Organic Regime Standards.

    The OMRI Permitted Substances Categories within the OMRI Canada Standards Manual© describes generic substances, such as mined and synthetic micronutrients, that comply with the Canada Organic Regime Standards and the permitted substances lists at CAN/CGSB 32.311.

    Brand name products on the OMRI Canada Products List are listed with a specific Use Class and Category corresponding to the Permitted Substances Categories for Canada.

NOP Standards

  • Can I call my product "certified organic" once approved?

    No, only foods, fibers, and feeds are eligible to be called "certified organic" and carry the USDA's seal for organic products. Input products are used to grow, process, or produce organic foods, feed, or fibers including substances such as fertilizers, pesticides, and other materials used on a farm or in a food processing facility. They are typically not eligible to carry the USDA seal or use the term "certified organic." Organic operators look for the OMRI Listed® seal because it assures them the product has passed OMRI expert review for use as an input for organic production.

  • Can I use Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in my product?

    OMRI refers to the U.S. National Organic Standards definition of genetic engineering at Title 7 Part 205.105 (e) and 205.2 Excluded Methods for review of input materials and processes. Ingredients that meet this definition are not allowed in OMRI Listed products or in certified organic production. More information on OMRI’s standards around GMOs and our GMO Decision Trees are included in the OMRI Generic Materials List©, which can be downloaded using the Manuals and Review Standards link located in the Applicant Menu when you log in to the website.

  • Where can I get more information about organic food production in the United States?

    The OMRI Links page lists websites that provide information about the organic industry, production, and regulation. You can also check our list of OMRI Subscribing Certifiers, as these organizations often provide information on various farming topics.

  • Why is OMRI not USDA accredited as an organic certifier?

    Agricultural products that are outputs of organic farms or processors (such as foods, fibers and feeds) can be USDA “certified organic.” Most input products (such as fertilizers, pesticides, additives, etc.) are ineligible for organic certification. However, inputs must be approved prior to use on a certified organic operation. OMRI reviews input products to verify that they meet the organic standards for use on organic farms or in organic processing. OMRI is recognized by the USDA National Organic Program as a reputable third party input reviewer in Interim Instruction 3012 of the NOP Handbook. In addition, OMRI is accredited under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17065 by the USDA Quality Assessment Division. On an annual basis, USDA auditors confirm that OMRI adheres to the policies and standards set forth in the OMRI Policy Manual© and OMRI Standards Manual©, and by the U.S. organic standards.

  • How do I determine whether my product or ingredient is synthetic or nonsynthetic?

    The USDA National Organic Program regulations define synthetic as follows:
    "A substance that is formulated or manufactured by a chemical process or by a process that chemically changes a substance extracted from naturally occurring plant, animal, or mineral sources, except that such term shall not apply to substances created by naturally occurring biological processes."

    Determining whether a substance is synthetic can be a very technical task. OMRI recommends following these steps to help you determine whether a substance is synthetic:

    1. Search for your substance in the OMRI Generic Materials List© online or in the printed copy (if you are using the printed version be sure to check the OMRI website for the any updates). The OMRI Generic Materials List specifies whether synthetic or nonsynthetic versions of substances are permissible for use in organic production. The printed OMRI Generic Materials List is organized into three sections based on the product's intended use: CROPS, LIVESTOCK, and PROCESSING & HANDLING. Look for the “Use Class” that is specific to your product's intended use.
    2. If you do not find the substance in the appropriate section of the OMRI Generic Materials List, or if you are still unsure whether your particular ingredient/product would be considered synthetic, look at the National Organic Program's website for the "Decision Tree for Classification of Materials as Synthetic or Nonsynthetic."

    OMRI policy prevents our staff from providing specialized advice to any individual or company. However, if you have a question about whether a particular substance is synthetic and it is not answered by using OMRI's application resources, then please contact us. Please keep in mind that OMRI may not be able to determine whether a particular substance is synthetic without reviewing your complete application.

  • What are OMRI's policies for product labeling?

    OMRI policies for product labeling are described in §2.7 and §4.2.2 of the OMRI Policy Manual©. Here are some tips:

    • Company and product name on the label (or in bulk sales documentation) must match the information submitted on the application and listed on the OMRI Products List©.
    • The terms "USDA Organic," "certified organic," and "NOP organic" cannot be used unless the product is a food or fiber that is certified organic by an accredited certification agency. In all cases, the phrases "for organic use" and "for organic production" are permitted on OMRI Listed products. See the table below for specific rules.

    Specific rules for using the term "organic" on labels for products in the following classes identified by their two letter code in this table, the following rules should be observed:

    CF, CT, LT, LHNone beyond the general rule noted in the OMRI Policy Manual section 2.7.1.
    LF"Organic" is permitted with proof of relevant organic certification on the final product