We are currently experiencing some service outages and portions of our website may not be functioning properly at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

OMRI welcomes media inquiries. Feel free to contact our materials and organic policy experts by calling the office and describing the nature of your inquiry. Our staff will connect you with the best person for your inquiry. Media visitors are also encouraged to download this overview of OMRI with frequently asked questions.

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The OMRI communications team maintains a press list for occasional press releases about the activities of the organization and regulations on materials for organic use. Please email marketing@omri.org to add your email to our press list.

Want to receive timely updates from OMRI direct to your inbox? Sign up for our free eNews! In addition to our monthly OMRI eNews, we also offer quarterly Canada updates and Spanish-language updates.

Below you will find our most recent press releases.

(April 12, 2022) OMRI’s (Organic Materials Review Institute) Board of Directors has named Deputy Director Amy Bradsher as the Acting Executive Director beginning April 8. This appointment allows the Board to complete the planned, thorough search and interview process to identify OMRI’s next Executive Director.

(March 15, 2022) To support the needs of the Spanish-speaking organic agricultural community, OMRI has translated the online PDF version of the OMRI Products List© into Spanish. The downloadable OMRI Products List currently includes more than 9,000 products OMRI Listed for use under USDA National Organic Program standards.

A new video tutorial on the OMRI YouTube channel explains how to use OMRI’s website search. The video goes through browsing and verifying OMRI Listed® products, and finding materials allowed for use under the USDA, Canada and Mexico organic standards.

(February 7, 2022) It is with bittersweet sorrow and gratitude that OMRI (the Organic Materials Review Institute, based in Eugene, Oregon, USA, omri.org) announces the upcoming retirement of longtime Executive Director/CEO Peggy Miars, set to take place July 1, 2022, after 26 years of dedication to the organic sector.

(January 13, 2022) Leslie Touzeau, of Quality Certification Services (QCS), has joined OMRI as a member of the organization’s Board of Directors.

(May 20, 2021) Three new members have recently joined the OMRI Board of Directors: Emily Newman of the Rodale Institute, Hannah Smith-Brubaker of PASA Sustainable Agriculture, and Becky Gretebeck of good culture. As a nonprofit organization, OMRI relies on its board for oversight of policy and direction for the organization.

(November 23, 2020) The Organic Materials Review Institute has welcomed three new members to its Board of Directors in recent months. 

(July 1, 2020) OMRI is pleased to announce the launch of its Mexico Review Program.

(June 30, 2020) A desire for simplification and brand recognition spurs updates to the OMRI Listed® seal.

(March 19, 2020) This message will be updated as new information becomes available.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, most OMRI staff are working remotely until further notice, and we are striving to provide our usual services with minimal disruption. We appreciate your patience at this time.