OMRI Board Welcomes New Member

(August 9, 2023) Silvia Abel-Caines, Ph.D., of Organic Valley has joined OMRI as a member of the organization’s Board of Directors.
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, OMRI relies on its board to oversee policy and standards, and provide overall governance for the organization. The OMRI Board is comprised of volunteer stakeholders from across the organic industry, including certifiers, farmers, processors, consumer and public interest groups, and input suppliers. This arrangement ensures independence and impartiality in decision-making by bringing together a wide array of perspectives. OMRI Board members may serve up to four consecutive two-year terms. The OMRI Board broadly represents the constituencies of the organic industry with members selected from the community of certifiers, inspectors, farmers, suppliers, processors and handlers, and organizations serving consumer and environmental interests. The board is the highest governing body at OMRI. It determines OMRI policy and standards, and plays an active part in guiding OMRI in its public service role and in carrying out its mission.
Silvia is a veterinarian with a Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition. She has assisted organic farmers for more than twelve years, addressing the challenges of farming in harmony with nature. She has been a staff technical consultant for Continental Grain, Wayne Feeds and Hubbard Feeds, and currently works with Organic Valley. She has authored and co-authored research papers on improving milk fatty acid profiles, and the nutritional value of grass-fed milk. Her professional objective is to provide national and international audiences with education on the value of growing food using regenerative practices, with the end goal of increasing the access of rural and urban communities to nutrient-dense food. Her whole-farm approach to solving animal health and nutritional challenges is rooted in soil health and high-quality forage production. Silvia also owns a certified-organic farm, leads a local community garden, and is an international volunteer with USAID, NCBA, CRS Farmer-to-Farmer and Train-the-Trainer programs.
Founded in 1997 by organic certifiers and stakeholders, OMRI provides an independent review of input products to determine which inputs are allowed for organic use. Over the past two decades, the organization has grown to nearly 10,000 OMRI Listed® products, reviewed to the U.S. National Organic Program standards, the Canada Organic Regime standards, and the Mexico Organic Products Law.
Contact: Roger Plant, OMRI Marketing Manager
(541) 343-7600 ext. 132