We are currently experiencing some service outages and portions of our website may not be functioning properly at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy Holidays! OMRI will be closed from December 21 to January 1 for winter break.

New Video in Spanish with instruction about the renewal process

Do you need assistance with understanding and completing OMRI’s annual renewal process? This new video in Spanish can help! Use the link below to view the video “Como realizar el proceso de renovación de OMRI” for a complete overview of the renewals process.

OMRI is actively working to expand resources for our Spanish speaking clients. Many OMRI.org webpages now feature an “Español” link toward the top of the page and soon more of our pages will be translated. Furthermore, you can send us your questions in Spanish using our email address preguntas@omri.org, or by phone to +1-541-343-7600 ext. 124. Note that OMRI application forms and documents submitted with your application still need to be translated and submitted in English.

Are you interested in receiving more updates? Use this link to sign up to receive future OMRI communications in Spanish:

Sign up here


Ana Negrete, International Program Manager

anan@omri.org, +1-541-343-7600 ext.146