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Review Cost

OMRI’s review service fees are scaled to meet the needs of companies with various sizes and business models. The cost of a product review is dependent on the company’s total gross sales for the past year, and the type of product to be reviewed. Please follow these step-by-step instructions to determine the total cost for the initial review of your product. The tables also list the annual renewal fees. OMRI can only accept fees paid in U.S. dollars. All fees are nonrefundable except as specified at §3.1 of the OMRI Policy Manual

  • Step 1: Purchase an Application Kit to access all materials needed to apply to OMRI. If your company has already purchased an Application Kit, skip this step.
  • Step 2: Select the Company Fee from Table 1 that best suits your company’s gross sales for the past year. If you have other products that are OMRI Listed®, skip this step.
  • Step 3: Select the Product Fee from Table 2 that best matches your product.
  • Step 4: If any of the Additional Fees in Table 3 apply, add that to your total.

In addition to the fees listed on this page, there are several less common fees that OMRI may charge for certain products. Miscellaneous Fees may be required under uncommon circumstances, including rebuttal and "for-cause" inspections. Company or Product Change fees are charged for reviewing certain changes made to currently OMRI Listed products. All changes should be submitted using the Change Report Form

Application Kit

Order an Application Kit to receive access to all materials required for OMRI review. 

Application Kit

Application KitAccess to online applications, Policy and Standards Manuals, and reference materials, with login access for two years.$50

Company/Supplier Fee (required)

The Company Fee is based on the applying company's total gross annual sales. Total gross annual sales include sales from all products and services provided or distributed by the applying company, not just the sales of a particular product or product line. The Company Fee is due with the company's first product application, and is renewed annually at a reduced rate. This fee is only necessary once per year, regardless of the number of products listed by your company.

Table 1: Annual Company Fees

Annual Gross Sales for CompanyInitial Review FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Under $1 Million$610$395
$1-5 Million$1010$650
$5-20 Million$2140$1350
$20-50 Million$3500$2200
$50-100 Million$5100$3215
Over $100 Million$7500$4700
Company does not wish to disclose$7500$4700

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Product Fee (required)

A Product Fee is required for each distinct product name. If the same formulation is sold under different names, it is considered a Repackaged product and requires a separate application. Different formulations sold under the same product name are considered “Alternate Formulations” and do not require separate applications. The Product Fee is based on the number and type of ingredients in the final product. Tables 2 and 3 below define product type and the associated fees.

Table 2: Annual Product Fees

Product TypeDefinitionInitial Review FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Repackaged Product
  • A current OMRI Listed® product that is repackaged and marketed under a different product or company name, without any modification.
  • The applicant must either hold the original OMRI listing, be a sub-registrant (pesticide products only), or purchase the OMRI Listed product directly from the OMRI Listed supplier or authorized distributor.
  • The product must be listed in the same OMRI Class* as the original, and involves a simpler application process.
Single Ingredient Product
  • Products containing only one ingredient or feedstock (excluding water)
  • Products that consist of a single multi-ingredient product that is already OMRI Listed to the same standard (NOP or COR). This is different from a Repackaged Product as it may contain water and/or be listed in a different use class.  
Multi-Ingredient Product
  • Products containing two or more ingredients or feedstocks (including ingredients that are OMRI Listed).
  • Products consisting of previously formulated multi-ingredient products that are not already OMRI Listed®.
Review to Additional Standards
  • Products that are currently OMRI Listed to one standard may be reviewed to an additional standard (NOP or COR).

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* Classes are part of the OMRI classification system that groups products with similar use attributes. Some examples of OMRI classes are Crop Fertilizers and Soil Amendments (CF), Livestock Feed Ingredients (LF), and  Processing Sanitizer and Cleaners (PS). For more information on classes, please see the FAQ.

Additional Product Fees (applicable for some products)

In addition to your basic product fee, additional fees apply in the following situations.

Table 3: Additional Product Fees

Additional SituationDefinitionInitial Review FeeAnnual Renewal Fee
Additional Use CategoryReview of a currently OMRI Listed® or applying product to include an additional product use category$250$0
Additional Use Class*Review of a currently OMRI Listed or applying product for an additional product use class.$345$235
Alternate FormulationVariation of a product that is manufactured differently, contains different ingredients, and/or contains the same ingredients in different proportions, and that is marketed under the same product name. This includes variations in water content.FreeFree
Third Party ConfidentialityTo maintain confidentiality, some ingredient manufacturers may wish to disclose formula information directly to OMRI. This is rare; please see this FAQ and contact OMRI staff for more information.$345$235
Reformulation During ReviewChanges to the ingredients or manufacturing process of a product currently under review, including reformulation post-prohibit.$250N/A
Inspection of High Nitrogen Liquid FertilizerHigh nitrogen liquid fertilizer products that have over 3% nitrogen lab analysis or label claims are subject to semi-annual inspections and sampling (per NOP Guidance 5012).$2975 plus
$1660 for each additional site
$5950 plus
$3320 for each additional site
Inspection of High Nitrogen Liquid Fertilizer - Repackaged ProductRepacks of high nitrogen liquid fertilizer products that have over 3% nitrogen lab analysis or label claims are subject to semi-annual inspections and sampling (per NOP Guidance 5012)$1325 plus
$1660 for each additional site
$2650 plus
$3320 for each additional site
Shared Inspections AgreementFor high nitrogen liquid fertilizer (HNLF) suppliers only. This optional agreement allows OMRI to share a company’s inspection results directly with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).$345$235

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Miscellaneous Fees

Please read each definition to see whether these fees apply to your situation.

Miscellaneous Fees

Wire TransferTo submit payment or receive a refund via wire transfer.Free
Non-sufficient FundsCheck returned for insufficient funds.$40
For Cause InspectionOMRI conducts site inspections and samples products from the stream of commerce when there is cause to collect information (per section §2.4 of the OMRI Policy Manual©).$2975
For Cause SamplingOMRI conducts site inspections and samples products from the stream of commerce when there is cause to collect information (per section §2.4 of the OMRI Policy Manual).$745
Random Inspections and SamplingOMRI conducts periodic random site inspections and product sampling for general surveillance, and to verify OMRI Listed products in the marketplace. These random inspections and inspection reviews are conducted free of charge.Free
Rebuttal or AppealTo rebut or appeal a decision made by OMRI. $250
File Copy FeeTo receive a copy of your application materials from OMRI.$105 per application copied
Administrative FeesProvision of public documents or other permitted information, or for staff time spent administering certain inspections or product samplings.$130/hour plus materials and postage

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Company or Product Change Fees

If there is any change to a currently OMRI Listed® product, OMRI must review that change in order to verify continued compliance with organic standards. All changes should be reported to OMRI at least 60 days prior to their implementation date. 

Change Fees

Type of ChangeFee
Administrative Changes
Company Name*Free
Company Ownership*Free
Product Name*Free
Product LabelFree
Manufacturing SitesFree
Deletion of Ingredient SupplierFree
Technical Changes
Changes to Ingredients$250
Deletion of Ingredients$250
Manufacturing Process$250
Ingredient Proportions$250
Changing or Adding Ingredient Supplier$250
Adding/Substituting Ingredients$250
Adding an Alternate Formulation**$250
Reformulation after Prohibit$250
Adding a Category$250
Changing or Adding a Use Class$345

* Contact OMRI for details, additional fees may apply. 
** An Alternate Formulation is a variation of a product that is sold under the same product name but is manufactured differently, contains different ingredients, and/or contains the same ingredients in different proportions.