OMRI Lists
OMRI's printed and web version lists, and comprehensive web search, provide the organic community with accurate, current information about products and materials allowed for organic use. The current OMRI Products Lists© are available as free PDF downloads using the links below. The OMRI search includes these lists and information about materials from the OMRI Generic Materials List© for USDA National Organic Program standards and the OMRI Canada Standards Manual© for Canada Organic Regime standards. Printed lists can be ordered directly from OMRI using the links below.
OMRI Products List
The most complete directory of products for organic production or processing, with more than 9,000 products that are "OMRI Listed®" to USDA National Organic Program standards.
- Download the OMRI Products List
- Order a printed copy
- Search all OMRI content - the OMRI Products List and much more
OMRI Generic Materials List
OMRI's authoritative catalog of more than 900 materials and their statuses in organic production, processing, and handling under the USDA National Organic Program.
OMRI Canada Products List
All products that OMRI has determined are either Allowed or Allowed with Restrictions under the Canada Organic Regime standards.
- Download the OMRI Canada Products List
Search all OMRI content - now including the OMRI Canada Products List
OMRI Canada Standards Manual
OMRI's standards and individual categories for products listed under the Canada Organic Regime standards.
- Download the complete OMRI Canada Standards Manual
Search products and materials for Canada with OMRI's comprehensive search